What Is Clean Intro and What Is Dirty Intro?

DJ Compilations

In this article we will read about clean intro and dirty intro songs. We will also find out the kind of songs you want to be playing a parties, if you are DJ.

What is clean intro?

What is clean intro? Clean intro is songs that come with natural words and there are no cuss words. Usually most of the songs which are sung come with natural words and listeners don’t normally find any use of cuss words. These songs are ideal for people of all ages as they contain no explicit language which can be harmful for children less than 14 years of age.

What is dirty intro?

What is dirty intro? Dirty intro is songs which come with plenty of cuss words as well as explicit language. In the sense, you can compare them to adult movies. Not all listeners would appreciate this kind of music. Though it is legal for singers to use cuss words as well explicit language in their songs, the music industry is yet to come out with laws to restrict these kinds of songs.

Why DJs need to avoid dirty intro?

As a DJ, your first task would be to find out the age of the crowd for which you are going to be playing in the party. You would be surprised to know that many parents and teenagers like to throw parties and they invite a reputed DJ. This is when you will want to ensure that you play clean intro and avoid songs with explicit language which might land you in unwanted trouble.

There are laws in many countries which ensure that dirty intro or songs with explicit language are not played by DJs in parties where the crowd is composed of mainly under aged or teenagers who less than 14 years of age. This is something, which any DJ, will want to know and beware of before deciding the kind of music they want to play in the evening/night at the party.

Though dirty intro songs might be pleasing to some, as a responsible DJ, you got to show concern about the crowd you are going to play for. It is a good idea to download both the clean and dirty intro of the song before playing. This way, you switch to the clean intro when playing for a party with underage kids. By the way, those kind of parties rake in good money as the work load is extremely less when compared to an all night party where will have to play for several hours non-stop.

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